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Cuisle Designs

Cupán positivit-tae(green) mug

Cupán positivit-tae(green) mug

Regular price €16,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €16,00 EUR
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Boost your confidence with our Cupán positivit-tae mug! Emblazoned with positive affirmations as Gaeilge, this mug is a daily reminder to believe in yourself. Let it inspire you to achieve your goals and overcome any obstacles that come your way. Start your day with positivity and motivation with our uniquely designed mug. 

Is ceannaire mé a spreagann daoine I mo chomhluadar- I am a leader who inspires those around me

Is ón taobh istigh a thagann láidreacht- strength comes from within 

Tá mé freagracht as mo shonas féin- I'm responsible for my own happiness 

Togann sé neart a bheith ionraic- it takes strength to be honest

Cruthaím an saol atá tuillte agam- I create the live I deserve

Tá mé acmhainneach- I am resourceful 

Is ball luachmhar den phobal mé- I am a positive member of the community 

Tá buíoch de rudaí dearfacha I mo shaol- I am grateful for the positive things in my life

Creidim I mo chuid scileanna- I believe I my skills

Tá grá agus meas tuillte agam- I deserve love and respect 

Is deiseanna foghlama agus fás iad dushláin- challenges are an opportunity for learning and growth

Tá an domhan níos fearr toisc go bhfuilim ann- the world is better because I am in it




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